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Tournament Details


When: Monthly Games-Sign up for email to get specifics

Arrive: 6:30 pm

Tournament Starts: 7:00 pm to Midnight-ish

Buy-In: $20 for over $100k in chips. 
For the first 3 rounds only. Player must be out of chips before break or under $40k in chips at break. Rebuys recieve 100K in chips. 
Payouts: 3 places
Late Playaz: To avoid blinding players out, if 
player shows up after a round starts that player is decremented $5k each round late for the first 2 rounds and $10K for the third round (total possible $20k). No entry after 3rd round break (approx 2 hours after start time). This rule stands even if someone in attendance buys the late players chips. 

Real Time EDU: New to tournament style? Ask the table for coaching for the first 3 rounds (without showing cards). 

Provided: Keg flavor of the month & some snack foods.
What to bring: Money for poker. 
Optional: Bring a Snack, Beers, Scotch, Cigars, Tips for the beer fund (all optional).

This is an invite only event: Invitees may bring friends.

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